30 September 2010

Oscar Wilde's Phrases and Philosophies For The Use Of The Young

Satire At Its Very, Very Best...

The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible.  What the second duty is no one has as yet discovered.
Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others.
If the poor only had profiles there would be no difficulty in solving the problem of poverty.
Those who see any difference between soul and body have neither.
A really well-maded buttonhole is the only link between Art and Nature.
Religions die when they are proved to be true.  Science is the record of dead religions.
The well-bred contradict other people.  The wise contradict themselves.
Nothing that actually occurs is of the smallest importance.
Dullness is the coming of age of seriousness.
In all unimportant matters, style, not sincerity, is the essential.  In all important matters, style, not sincerity, is the essential.
If one tells the truth, one is sure, sooner or later, to be found out.
Pleasure is the only thing one should live for.  Nothing ages like happiness.
It is only by not paying one's bills that one can hope to live in the memory of the commercial classes.
No crime is vulgar, but all vulgarity is crime.  Vulgarity is the conduct of others.
Only the shallow know themselves.
Time is a waste of money.
One should always be a little improbable.
There is a fatality about all good resolutions.  They are invariably made too soon.
The only way to atone for being occasionally a little over-dressed is by being always absolutely over-educated.
To be premature is to be perfect.
Any preoccupation with ideas of what is right and wrong in conduct shows an arrested intellectual development.
Ambition is the last refuge of the failure.
A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it.
In examinations the foolish ask questions that the wise cannot answer.
Greek dress was in its essence inartistic.  Nothing should reveal the body but the body.
One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art.
It is only the superficial qualities that last.  Man's deeper nature is soon found out.
Industry is the root of all ugliness.
The ages live in history through their anachronisms.
It is only the gods who taste of death.  Apollo has passed away, but Hyacinth, whom men say he slew, lives on.  Nero and Narcissus are always with us.
The old believe everything: the middle-aged suspect everything: the young know everything.
The condition of perfection is idleness: the aim of perfection is youth.
Only the great masters of style ever succeed in being obscure.
There is something tragic about the enormous number of young men there are in England at the present moment who start life with perfect profiles, and end by adopting some useful profession.
To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.

16 September 2010

A Profile in Humanity

Geoffrey Canada - Not Just Another Rags to Riches Story

Geoffrey Canada refused to get sucked into the black hole of poverty that is The South Bronx. The third of four sons, Canada grew up like many poor, black kids in the South Bronx, with a single mother. But he did not just want to join the overwhelming statistic of kids in the Bronx that drop out of school...he was determined to change the world. So he did well in high school, got accepted to Bowdoin College in Maine, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He had done so well at Bowdoin, that he went on to receive a Master's Degree in Education from Harvard. Not only had he already overcome every stereotype from his old neighborhood, but he had gone far beyond the expectations of anyone, graduating from the finest school in the country.

But it wasn't enough for Geoffrey Canada to just change his future, he wanted to change the future of every kid from Harlem...

As President of the Rheedlen Centers for Children and Families in 1990, Canada decided that the scope of Rheedlen was far too small and was not reaching enough kids, so by starting Harlem Children's Zone, Canada aimed to reach the kids of more than 24 blocks in Harlem. This was revolutionary. No one had ever attempted to reach out to that large of a group of Harlem students before, but Canada's hope-filled reach proved more than successful. Today, Harlem Children's Zone plays an active role in a student's academic career from birth to graduation, with students from over 100 blocks in Harlem. That's over 17,000 children.

Perhaps the biggest recognition for Geoffrey Canada's work came from President Obama himself, with Obama's plan of the 20 Promise Neighborhoods Program looking to replicate Harlem Children Zone's work in 20 cities across the country. And with $10 million in federal grants, the HCZ is on the road to change not just Harlem, but all of America.

Check out Geoffrey Canada in Waiting For Superman, the 2010 documentary from David Guggenheim on the state of the American public schools system.

13 September 2010

Today in WristWear

Mr. Jones Watches - More Than Just Eye-Catching

Mr. Jones - The "Accurate" Watch

Mr. Jones Watches are for the man who wants a little extra on his wrist. Not just your basic-faced watch...here's a little flair and intensity.

If you are looking for that watch that will set you apart, check out Mr. Jones Watches at http://www.mrjoneswatches.com/

Style Finds

Warby Parker EyeWear - The. Best. Deal. Period.

There are dozens of reasons to fall in love with Warby Parker's unique, vintage-style frames.

$95 across the board.
Try On 5 At Home, Keep One Pair Return Policy.
Buy One Pair, Warby Parker Donates A Pair.
The list goes on and on....

And then of course there's Warby Parker's immaculate design in eyewear. Featured in magazines like GQ and Esquire as the best deal in EyeWear since who-knows-what-else, Warby Parker is the place to go for frames.

Check out all of their stunning designs at: http://www.warbyparker.com/

01 September 2010

Learn To Cook

 Cook Like A Man: Quick and Easy

Cooking is just one of those things that you either know or you don't...Sure, you can make something to get you by. Ramen with lunchmeat is my all-time favorite. Or, you can spend an extra 15 minutes and whip up something spectacular. Going on a date? Try staying in for the night and making something truly delectable for your special someone.

Now, knowing that more than half of us only have 1 or 2 pans in the kitchen might seem like a problem, but it doesn't have to be...

Check out Less Than 3 Pans A Day. Quick, Easy, Delicious Meals that wont leave you doing dishes for the rest of the night. Just try a few meals, and add your own personal twists along the way...Just leave the lunchmeat in the fridge.


Chicken Enchiladas Suiza
Pulled Pork Eggs Benedict over
CornBread with Cheddar Hollandaise

Alfredo Pasta with Sausage