23 August 2010

Food Essentials: The Perfect Sunny-Side Up Eggs

How To Fry The Perfect Egg

Learning how to fry that "best-thing-in-the-morning", yolk-oozing egg over-easy is one of the toughest things to get down in the kitchen. It seems easy enough, right? Throw a few eggs in a pan, and then, fry. Well, for those of you who have follied through making the sunny-side up egg...it's not so easy. The egg-white sticks, the yolk gets overcooked, the yolk pops, it's too runny...Much can go wrong with the Perfect Start to Any and Every Morning, so here's the fail-safe plan for cooking morning eggs:

Garlic Sunny-Side Up Eggs with Chives


- 3 eggs
- Butter + Truffle Oil (if available)
- Garlic (Fresh or Powder)
- Chives (Fresh)
- Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper
- 3 tbsp water
- Toast

Melt the butter in a small skillet over medium heat. Crack the egg into the pan and season with garlic powder and salt and pepper. Once the white of the egg is no longer transparent, add the water to the pan, sprinkle the chives on top, and cover with a lid. Cook for about 1 minute or until the yolk is clouded over. Don't over cook the yolk. Place the eggs on top of toast, sprinkle some more chives on top, and serve.

Always a great way to start the day...

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