16 August 2010

Tuesday - Ghost Post

Your New Job: Social Media Marketing Specialist

The Creed of the Successful: “Find a need, and fill it.”

Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogger, Tumblr…All of these social media outlets. Anyone could tell you that by sitting glued to a computer posting new feeds, tweets, and groups is just a big waste of time. Here you are, a college graduate, student, or neither, spending your days scrolling through profile after profile, commenting, posting, and following, because you just can’t seem to find a job that you have the experience for…a job where you can just show up and work. Well, maybe you are just wasting your time...or, maybe, you’re really doing some training for your new job.

Social media has it’s hand in everything, everywhere. A more-or-less free network of both consumers and producers all over the world are able to view any idea or string-of-words that you want to put up, regardless. You can post products, groups, music, movies, anything… You hold the power and influence to reach millions of people, and all you had to do was sign up for a free account.

Social media is being implemented more and more in today’s Marketing Strategies. Being able to meet a high percentage of consumers at a fraction of the normal cost is highly desirable. And, with the new generation having such a high aptitude for social media and software, your “social mapping skills” are more in need than ever.

Jupiter Research found that “social network users are 3 times more likely to trust peer opinions over advertising when making purchase decisions.” Because a word-of-mouth conversation is estimated to have the same effect as over 200 TV ads, social media is growing exponentially, doubling in traffic from last year. Social media has tested the highest in media retention, as well as momentum. The social outlet advertising boom has done for marketing what TV ads and radio spots once had, but in even larger numbers.

So, even though you may be in the target age group and be more than adept at social media, the question is: How do I distinguish myself?

Well, that’s the easy part. Pick any industry that you’re interested in. Sound like a dream job, yet? It goes on… Find distinct keywords to name your group, page, twitter, blog, etc. You want something that’s easily searchable, but will stand out from the other related groups. Next, just start writing. Write and post about everything you know on the subject, information you find elsewhere, and start a following by posting on other blogs and media sites. Find your voice, target your audience, and once you have created a good following, get out there and find your new job!

Every marketing job right now is looking for a profile of your blog and/or twitter account, along with an application. So, devote yourself to making your blog stand out and getting as many followers as you can. Firms want to see flat-out consumer influence. If your blog or twitter has any sort of pull in a certain marketable area, you’re doing your job.

So, avoid the naysayers and the people that say “social media and it’s unyielding power is just a fad.” Obviously, they are just out of touch…

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